
This page gives access to the standardised forms of the names used in the descriptions of the manuscripts in the MMFC database. Each entry links to the corresponding MMFC authority record, which gives the standard name and alternative versions of the name as well as links to external authority files used by the MMFC cataloguers to create the authority records. Users may find useful additional information in these external resources.

Currently the named entities for which authority records are displayed are persons, collectives and works (texts). For persons who are authors or translators of texts further links to the corresponding records are given in the relevant records.

Each authority record normally links to all the relevant manuscript descriptions in the MMFC database but users need to be aware that the cataloguing work is an ongoing process. The absence of links to manuscript descriptions merely means that the authority record exists but that links to the manuscript descriptions have not yet been created. All the entries in the MMFC authority file are relevant and needed for the manuscripts within the scope of the MMFC database and should eventually be linked to manuscript descriptions. Users may use queries to find the unlinked manuscript descriptions.”

CollectivesPersons | Works




CollectivesPersons | Works