Fragments was used as upper flyleaf for a register of the assizes of beer in the city of Antwerp kept between 1 August 1573 and 31 October 1573 ('Assijs boeck vanden darder quartier vande binnen ende buijten bieren / opt assijse aen bier heeft beginnende prima augusti anno 73 / ende eijndende vltima octoberij daer nae volgende'). Offset of the rubrics is still visible on the first leaf of the volume.
A paper label with the inscription '1573-4' is attached to the bifolium with string, referring to this origin.
Blue plain pen-flourished initials and versals with penwork in red, with marginal extensions as well as interior reserved shapes. Penwork has both anthropomorphic and foliate characteristics.
Blue paraphs, red rubrication, yellow colour stroking.
Guide letters between the text present guide lines for small flourishes not marked with ink.
Haec praefatio dicitur in die natalis domine ad omnis missas. et cotidie per ebdomadam et in die crucifionis domini et in omnibus missis de sancta maria ab hac die usque ad purificationem beate marie.
(fol. [1]v)
Textual content
Ceremonial containing indications for different ceremonial parts of the Mass.
fol. [1]r-v: Sequentia, reading from the Gospel of Luke (Luke 2: 1-10, 11-14), Secretum, Praefatio, Postcommunio.
Missa de mane officium (fol. [1]v): Oratio, reading from Isaiah (Isaiah 61: 1-3)
Fol. [2]r: Reading from the Gospel of Luke (Luke 1: 44-47), Secretum, Communio, Postcommunio.